Just want to thank you for doing such a nice job producing our carpets and what a great job of boxing them and carefully packing on pallets with corner guards and wrap to keep boxes clean. They look great.
I am very trusting on your quality.
How to Clean a Door Mat
How to Clean a Door Mat
If you are like most people, you only think about cleaning your door mat about the same time is starts to look dirtier than your street. In other words, rarely.
But with proper cleaning, your door mat will stop more dirt at your doors and last much longer.
Door Mat Cleaning Tips:
If your door mat is made with a nitrile rubber backing (such as those used in commercial mat services) you can toss the mat in the washing machine. Then tumble dry. Use a tiny bit of detergent -- preferably low-sudsing. Then pat yourself on the back for purchasing well!
You can clean mats such as the Water-hold door mats(see referent pictures) by hosing it off, brushing it with a stiff bristles broom such as one you use in a garage, rinsing it again with a hose then hang it to dry. If your mat is in really dirty shape, take it to the car wash, and get the power hose and really blast it!
If your door mat is all-rubber, again, just hose it off. You might need to scrub it with a brush to get gunk out of the fingertips or grippers.
Most good quality door mats can be spot cleaned with the same treatments sold for carpets. Test a tiny spot first.
Always vacuum your door mats between cleanings to keep them working well.
If we were to do another similar campaign in the future, I would not hesitate to use Dotcom. Everything from sampling, to ideation, to shipping was executed very well. We have not had any quality issues brought to our attention (I have used the product personally since our first sampling, and see no signs of wear)!
Bottom line is, we had an excellent experience with you.